Liam and Dillon don't really do so well playing together. They usually both want to play with the same toy which ends in tears, typically Liam's as he really can't hold his own in a tugging match.
However, there is one thing they can both agree on:
More specifically, Liam. But there is sure to be a sprinkling of posts on other family related topics.
Of course, now, he's a clapping fool.
I drop the remote on my foot and double over in pain, Liam claps.
Chris shouts at Wade Phillips, because that's what Chris does on Sundays, Liam claps
(secretly, I clap too).
It's rather ironic that we had to park half a mile a way and walk in.
This is Liam, warming down with some stretches, after the game.
A welcome sunset after several days of hurricane Ida rain. It made the walk back to the car peaceful which was good because we were about to take 10 rowdy ten year olds to Golden Corral restaurant. Which, in case you've never been, is not peaceful... or a place anyone should eat. EVER.
This is the face we got. Which, in case you are wondering is NOT a face of displeasure. He loved it. With any luck, I have dodged a bullet and he may end up being more like me than his father in the food department. Chris has a... selective palate. Which is a nice way of saying he's a PICKY EATER. I'm afraid at some point I'm going to have to make them dine separately so Liam doesn't see the pile of refuse left behind on daddy's dinner plate. This kind of example could prove to be disastrous when we are trying to get him to "take just one more bite." I can hear Liam now: " but daddy didn't eat all his chicken!"
Great. " Daaaady, would you please eat all of your chicken so that Liam will eat his peas?"
You see where I am going here right? Its enough to drive a woman mad.
And I dont have time to go mad so Liam, please be a good eater for your mama.
Liam DID NOT think this was a good idea.
There is a hammer, screwdriver and wrench that can be hung on the tool rack.
The top has bolts and screws that make realistic ratchet sounds.
There are 3 Pegs that pound through holes and fall into a storage area below.
The front door flips open to conveniently access the storage area or to serve as a step ladder, as seen here...
...and here. It is a very versatile toy that not only promotes creative development but also hours of imaginative play.
The teething rings in the fridge and frozen damp washcloths offer no comfort. So we've got the infant Motrin and baby Orajel on hand. We've been doing a lot of snuggling which seems to settle him, if only for a while.
My poor little peanut.