Thursday, October 15, 2009

I say we've got trouble my friends, with a capital T that stands for tooth!

At long last, our wait is over! It is my esteemed honor to present to you, at nine and a half months, Liam's first tooth!!

Since around three months, every time Li would gnaw on my shoulder, drool profusely or feel slightly warm I'd proclaim with conviction "He's teething" I thought, perhaps, that was the reason for Liam's constant displeasure, discomfort, dissatisfaction and any other word beginning with dis. You see, when you're a mother of a newborn with colic you find yourself looking for another explanation, ANY OTHER explanation. Except he wasn't teething, he was just being Liam. Because of the colic we knew the havoc he was capable of reaping. We also knew what teething did to even the the most angelic of babes. We have friends whose babies morphed into a drooling, screaming bundle of sleeplessness that all the baby Tylenol and orajel in the world couldn't soothe. So for months we have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. We could see the storm clouds on the horizon and were just waiting for them to roll in. Except they didn't.

He cut his first tooth without so much as a whimper. Piece of cake mom, what's the big deal and why is that vein on the side of your face bulging?

Full of surprises, this kid!

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