Monday, November 9, 2009

Finish your chicken young man.

Liam is 10 and a half months now. I can hardly believe we are fast closing in on a year! Around this age most babes are learning to flex their independence muscles. So to encourage this behavior I have started offering Liam finger foods.

He loves feeding himself the cereal puffs and the rice rusks, which to me was a STRONG indicator that he was ready to try self feeding other foods. He will eat most anything I'm eating if I share it with him so I figured we would start with a few things that he is familiar with and and few he is not. The menu was whole wheat bread with ham and cream cheese, peas and carrots and butternut squash soup. He tried the ham and cheese sandwich and though he seemed to enjoy the taste all that chewing proved to be too much work. The carrots were more fun to squish between his fingers than to eat and the peas, well, they're tricky so most of them ended up in his lap rather than his mouth. But the soup, oh the soup. Chris told me not to give it to him. In making it I added a good bit of white pepper which gave it a nice kick. Chris is a little more sensitive to heat than I am so he may have been a better judge but I figured we'd try it and if its too spicy, then Liam will make a face and we won't continue.

This is the face we got. Which, in case you are wondering is NOT a face of displeasure. He loved it. With any luck, I have dodged a bullet and he may end up being more like me than his father in the food department. Chris has a... selective palate. Which is a nice way of saying he's a PICKY EATER. I'm afraid at some point I'm going to have to make them dine separately so Liam doesn't see the pile of refuse left behind on daddy's dinner plate. This kind of example could prove to be disastrous when we are trying to get him to "take just one more bite." I can hear Liam now: " but daddy didn't eat all his chicken!"

Great. " Daaaady, would you please eat all of your chicken so that Liam will eat his peas?"

You see where I am going here right? Its enough to drive a woman mad.

And I dont have time to go mad so Liam, please be a good eater for your mama.

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