Friday, October 2, 2009

Time flies when you're exhausted and covered in baby food

Today marks Liam's 9 month birthday. Its so hard to believe that in such a short amount of time we've come so far.
Liam came to us after only 22 hours of labor start to finish. Actually it was a fairly uneventful L & D. Once he was safely in my arms, that's when the real work began.
I had such an easy pregnancy, never once got sick, I should have known the Gods wouldn't let me off so easily. After 2 full days in the hospital we brought our little bundle of joy home. As expected the first few days were sleepless and chaotic. Liam had his days and nights mixed up and I had my hands full trying to figure out what the heck I was doing. So imagine my surprise when, after several weeks, the constant crying and sleeplessness continued. WHAT? Um, excuse me Doctor but I think mine is broken.

Well as it turns out, some babies just cry for no apparent reason. And though every web search, article and experienced mother will tell you its not your fault, deep down you feel like a failure. For 9 months you imagined how it would be. You imagined soothing your newborns cries with a snuggle, a caress and a coo. What you did not imagine is pacing the floor with a screaming newborn until 4 in the morning. You did not imagine that this perfect little expression of love would have you and your spouse screaming at each other out of frustration. You did not imagine that you could be defeated by a newborn. We were so not prepared for this!

Liam had colic for the first 5 months and I wasn't sure any of us would survive, thankfully we pulled through; baby and marriage in tact. As we enter what I refer to as "mobile phase 1" I have an overwhelming sense of anticipation and excitement. His developing personality is becoming oh so apparent.
Earlier today I had a glass of water on the coffee table where he was practicing pulling himself up. I was spotting him, ready to break the inevitable fall and encourage him to try again rather than lay on the floor screaming in frustration. But he made it without falling and discovered the wonders that live on top: 3 of the always sought after remote controls, some magazines good for shredding and eating and a glass of water. He looked at my glass with wide eyes and reached his hand out longingly he looked at me as if asking permission. "No sir" I said, shaking my head "that's mommy's". He looked back at the glass and then again at me and with out missing a beat reached out and grabbed it. He knew he wasn't to touch it but the allure was just too great. He Could Not resist. And I love that about him. I suspect it wont be long before his selective hearing infuriates me but today, on his 9 month birthday, its a testament to how far we have come and oh how far we still have to go.

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