Friday, January 1, 2010

One year ago today: Part two

January 1, 2009 4:00 am: Happy New Y- OWWW!

Here we go again. Except this time its different. I'm not sure I can explain it but this time there is a sense of 'no more screwing around, lets get this baby outta here!' Chris resumed his duties of writing down the times of each of my contractions, reminding me to breathe and catering to my every whim. Over the next 11 hours the contractions progressed from 20 minutes apart and moderately uncomfortable to 5 minutes apart and 'Sweet Lord above why have you forsaken me.' I am not kidding. So at 3:oo pm we called the hospital to let labor and delivery know where we were at:

Me: "Yes hello, My name is Lara Flanagan and I am having strong contr- AAAAACKKKKKK, I'm *gasp* sorry, *moan* I'm ..."

Some nurse: "You're having a contraction right now? its ok, I'll wait.

Me: *groan* Thanks. *pant*

Me: "Ok its done. I'm having them about every 5 minutes."

Some nurse: "And they are strong enough to disrupt normal activity?"

Me: "Yes. Generally speaking, I am capable of having a phone conversation without sounding like a raving perverted lunatic."

Some nurse: OK well if your bag of waters is still intact and you're feeling like you can manage it I would recommend sitting it out at home for another hour or so. If your contractions progress to minutes a apart or your water breaks then come right in.

Me: "Great. Thanks so much for your help."

I return to the aptly named fetal position on the couch to await the next wave of contractions.

Side bar: In prepared childbirth class we were taught all sorts of positions that are conducive to the progression of labor, one of my favorites through out pregnancy was sitting on a large exercise ball. It was great in alleviating my lower back and sciatic pain and apparently was a great position for labor as it opened up the pelvic floor which, in turn, allowed for the baby to station into the birth canal. I tried sitting on that ball one time during a contraction. One time.
It was like riding a bicycle without a seat over grooved pavement. After that I didn't want that damn ball anywhere near me.

So I returned to the couch and endured the contractions, each one coming a little quicker and stronger than the one before. Just before 4pm I looked at Chris and said "That's it, I'm not waiting any longer." He started the truck, grabbed my bags, helped me into my coat and had me in the car and on the road in seconds flat. Anxious much?

We got to the hospital and at this point the contractions were only two minutes apart so standing at the counter waiting to be checked in was torture.

Before long I was shown to a room in triage. The nurse informed me that she would be back in a few minutes to check and see if I had earned a stay in the hospital. I quickly looked at Chris and said I had better be 4 centimeters because I WAS NOT GOING HOME. Its protocol for hospitals to send you home of you're not dilated enough. And protocol or not I was staying put.

After what felt like a lifetime and 700 more contractions the OB on call came in to check my progress. DING DING DING! Lucky contestant number two you have earned yourself an all inclusive two day three night stay! I was 8 centimeters. EIGHT CENTIMETERS! 8 centimeters is like finding out you won the lottery and you only have to share it with 5 other people. I was thrilled, you know, in spite of the devastating pain I was experiencing. So the next thing I know I'm gathering up my things and being wheeling into a delivery room. Chris made a few phone calls to let people know my status and within 12 minutes my sister Kim and niece Katie were there. Which is totally amazing seeing as they live 40 minutes from the hospital. At 6pm-ish the anesthesiologist arrived and Chris promptly stepped out of the room. He has a thing with needles and the last thing I needed was him passing out from witnessing the epidural.

By 6:30 I was feeling no pain. Now all I had to do was rest and wait.

Stay tuned for the conclusion...

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