Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sick babe

I spoke too soon. Remember that post where I essentially sentenced myself (and Li) to a grim teething future? Yeah, well, the future is now.

At his 9 month check up Liam still hadn't cut a single tooth. Today, exactly a month later, he has four teeth. Three of which are coming in together, as we speak. Sleep is elusive and my feisty, playful little crab apple has morphed into a lethargic, feverish crab apple.

The teething rings in the fridge and frozen damp washcloths offer no comfort. So we've got the infant Motrin and baby Orajel on hand. We've been doing a lot of snuggling which seems to settle him, if only for a while.

My poor little peanut.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my poor sweet little angel boy! Give him lots of kisses from Aunt Kimmy..I wish I could take it away!
