Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Yesterday we took Liam to Fuquay so that we could spend Halloween with the family. We wanted to go trick or treating with Dillon so we decided Scott's neighborhood would be best for that. About half way to Kim's Liam became really fussy and was hot to the touch. His top two front teeth are coming in and this time around he's really uncomfortable. You can just tell my looking at his little face:


After some Motrin and apple juice Liam was ready to hit the neighborhood, Dillon however, was not. There were some costume issues and lets just say someone at party city will be getting a phone call. Spidey would not be making the rounds with us, but Superman would be his pinch hitter.


We made it to about 8 houses. We scored some candy, coloring books and crayons and got spooked by a grown man jumping out of a garbage dumpster. Despite the rocky start I think the evening was a success!
Speaking of costume issues, I would like to clarify that MY costume is supposed to be a chef, not onion johnny!


In closing I will leave you with this little gem of a picture! Enjoy!

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