Monday, February 14, 2011


You'll need to forgive me, in advance, if what I'm about to share is insensitive or even offensive but I'm having a rough day. Maybe its because its Valentines day or maybe its because I'm feeling stressed about my job search or maybe its just because I really, really miss my sister but I don't ever want to see this commercial again:

Because every time I do, I want to scream. Or shout at the t.v. YOU'RE TOO LATE. I look at the faces of the people celebrating one more birthday and I think: why you?

Pretty horrible, right?

So instead of facing the bitter, selfish person I become over a television commercial that is meant to inspire and motivate, I just turn away. Before the tears well in my eyes; before I begin to count the days she had until her next birthday (23) or the days she has been gone from our lives (280) I change the channel.

But not before I think: Official sponsor of birthdays, psh... if you're lucky.

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