Thursday, June 3, 2010

Structured Chaos

At 17 months Liam is WIDE OPEN.

He is everywhere, all the time, at the speed of light.

Just for fun lets run through an average day at our house.
8:00 am Liam wakes, gets a diaper change and hits the ground running.
while I make breakfast he takes all of the clean dish towels out of the drawer and throws them onto the floor.
8:30 Liam eats breakfast, I pick up dishtowels and stuff them, unfolded, back into the drawer.
8:50 After shaking the milk out of his "leak proof" sippy cup and soaking his breakfast in it, Liam swipes the remaining scrambled eggs, toast and banana off of his tray and onto the floor.
9:00 concluding a battle to get his hands and face wiped I set Liam free and drop to my knees not only to clean the milky-egg mess but to summon the strength to get through to nap time.
9:30 I shoo Liam out of the oven drawer and into the living room to play while I put all of the cookie sheets back and finally pour some coffee.
10:30 Story time. Liam will pick out several books for me to read and then he forcibly turns the pages faster than I can read them.
11:30 Nap time. While Liam sleeps I: check email, pick up toys, exercise,sweep and/or vacuum as needed, empty then load dishwasher, make the bed, put away laundry, make and scarf down lunch, waste time on facebook and various other websites, jump in the shower and prepare lunch for Liam.
1:30 Liam wakes and starts screaming because he's gotten his chunky little thigh caught between the slats in his crib rail.
1:40 Liam eats lunch.
2:00 Repeat shaking of the juice onto the tray then splashing the refuse to the floor etc...
2:30 Liam gets cleaned up and we head outside to play. If the mosquitoes don't immediately eat us alive we'll play in our yard alternating between the pool, sandbox and various other toys. Often trying to bring the sand into the pool and visa versa.
3:30 snack time, for quick cleanup snack is usually enjoyed outside. And by enjoyed I mean eaten only after it has hit the ground, been stepped on and inspected by various bugs.
4:00 Errands, we jump into the car to hit the grocery store, bank, post office or whatever. While in the car Liam finds a sippy cup half full with soy milk. FROM DAYS AGO. And gulps it down as though he were stranded on a desert island and just discovered water. Within seconds the curdled mess comes back up, all over Liam and his carseat.
5:30 A quick change of clothes then Liam and I hit the kitchen to prepare dinner. If he's not too cranky we pull a chair up to the counter so Liam can help. After a few minutes of 'helping' Liam toddles off to discover, and eat, a few macaroni hiding under the fridge.
6:00 Dinner. Repeat breakfast/lunch scene.
6:30 I clean up the mess from Liam's dinner while Liam attempts to help by picking up food off of the floor and putting it in his toy box.
7:00 Bathtime. Liam plays in the tub occasionally splashing most of the water out of the tub and onto me. After bath we begin The Dance, wherein Liam and I lock horns in a struggle as old as time: getting ready for bed. More specifically brushing teeth and putting on jammies.
7:30 Story time. Usually, Dr. Seuss will provide just the right amount of entertainment to maintain his interest while simultaneously lending a soothing cadence to help wind down from a busy day.
8:00 Bedtime. phew.

8:10 Chris returns home from work.

I wonder what's on the agenda for tomorrow?

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