Friday, December 4, 2009

Ticking away the moments...

I can hardly believe that Liam is 11 months old. Where has the time gone?

When we first brought him home everyone, I mean EVERYONE, told us: 'enjoy this time, it will go by so fast.' As first time parents filled with anxiety, we just nodded our heads and fumbled for the coffee pot. But honestly, no truer words have ever been spoken.

Yesterday morning I left Liam on the living room floor to play while I went into the kitchen for a minute. If you've been to our house you know that I didn't go far and my view of him was obstructed only momentarily. When I came back around the corner he was sitting on the couch. ON THE COUCH!?! Apparently he had managed to use his workbench as a step stool. And not only that, when he was finished sitting ON THE COUCH!?! he crawled over to the edge and began to climb, head first, down the workbench.
But then something happened and it wasn't what I was expecting. I expected him to slip head first off the couch onto the workbench and eventually land in a startled, wailing heap on the floor(OK, I would have caught him before he actually hit the floor...). What did happen was pretty cool to watch. Halfway onto the workbench the light bulb went on over his head and he realized, perhaps, this was not the best way. So he backed himself back onto the couch, turned around and decided to try getting down feet first. Which he did, successfully.

How did he learn that? Amazing.

Of course it only reminded me of how far we have come in such a short time. My sweet innocent little baby is fast becoming a toddler who tears through the house like a crawling, climbing tornado that gives us dirty looks when we tell him no.

And yet we have so far still to go.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it either..seems like just yesterday he was making his way leisurely into the world!
